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DR-HR Employment Retainer Package

Running a business is a bit like the plate spinning act at a circus. Trying to keep on top of finances, compliance, marketing, networking, recruitment, the list goes on. Each element demands your time but with only so much of you to go around, eventually one of those plates is going to fall. Quite often in a small business, the plate that gets left to fall first is in relation to HR and employment law.

Putting contracts of employment or policies around flexible working in place doesn’t bring in income through sales, build your profile on social media or streamline the production process, and so often is the first element of running a business to see reduced attention. But by neglecting your obligations under employment law, you could be setting yourself up for expensive problems in the future.

Not having a contract of employment in place for an employee on their first day of their employment not only can lead to confusion as to the terms of their employment, but could lead to having to pay 2-4 weeks wages in compensation should they successfully pursue certain claims in the future. More worryingly, not having the right clauses in a contract also means that an employee can walk out of their employment with you on 1 weeks’ notice and take all of your customers with them.

Having policies that deal with bullying, discrimination & grievances could prove vital to defending claims for discrimination, but may also help promote a culture that employees want to be a part of and be a factor in retaining employees. Having a genuine flexible working policy and being flexible in your approach may increase the talent pool you have to recruit from.

But employing someone to deal with this for you can be expensive. The career/salary website at Glassdoor suggests that the average annual salary for a HR Manager is £48,183 and so when financial resource is perhaps at a premium, this can seem like an unjustifiable expense. That is where Dawson Radford’s new annual retainer service DR-HR can help business owners. Providing employment law & HR support for a fixed-fee, we can support businesses by ensuring that they are meeting their legal obligations at an agreed, affordable price.

The service includes ensuring that your employment documents are up to date and compliant; ongoing support that isn’t subject to monthly or annual time limits, preparation of any letters or documents needed to support an issue, training on a pre-agreed area of employment law, as well as discounts on the other legal services Dawson Radford offer.

The cost is based on the number of employees you have and starts from as little as £250 + VAT per month.

For further information on our DR-HR service, please contact or give us a call on 01246 932 100

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R / O: 26 Napier Court, Gander Lane, Barlborough, Chesterfield, S43 4PZ
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