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Jo Dawson - Dawson Radford Director

A day in the life of Jo, Director

Ever wondered what a day in the life of a Director of a company looks like? Here is a sneak peek in to just one very busy day for Jo……

8:45 am – school run


9:00 am – quick walk with Billy




9:30am – catch up with the team to see what’s happening today, check for completions, funds received, updates on transactions


9:45am – check emails, respond, make calls and generally catch up


10:30 am – first zoom call of the day with an existing client and their accountant to agree a step plan for creating a new group structure in order to ring fence separate businesses currently operating in one trading company. This type of structure is growing in popularity and is achieved by a share for share exchange.




11:30 am – drafting revisions to a management agreement for a client looking to manage a care home in the weeks before purchasing it.


12:00 am – drafting a share purchase agreement for the acquisition of shares in a waste recycling company


1:30 pm – quick lunch break, catching up on emails


2:00 pm – second zoom call of the day. A new client needs advice on a shareholder agreement to regulate the relationship between 4 equal shareholders. We discuss provisions relating to decision making, transfer of shares and dividend policy. We also talk about what might happen if a shareholder dies or becomes critically ill.




3:00 pm – more drafting, this time its drafting documents to create new classes of shares in a company. On accountants advice, new share classes are being created to enable different rights to attach to shares intended to be issued to employees of a company. New Articles of Association need to be adopted to set out the class rights.


4:30 pm – checking emails, dealing with any call backs that need to be made before the end of the day.


5:00pm – amending a business purchase agreement. Acting for a seller, I make amendments to improve my client’s position, particularly on warranties and the limitations of liability to get the agreement on more of an equal footing. I also start drafting a disclosure letter, which is a key document for any seller on a business sale.


6:00pm – home time, another walk with Billy to clear my head after a busy day  


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R / O: 26 Napier Court, Gander Lane, Barlborough, Chesterfield, S43 4PZ
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